Come share and learn with our community! Join us for patient-oriented research related events and activities hosted by members of the patient-oriented research community.
Webinar | Virtual - December 20, 2023 | 12:00 p.m EST
AbSPORU Patient Engagement Journal Club (2023)
The Alberta SPOR Support Unit’s Patient Engagement Team is hosting virtual Patient Engagement Journal Club Meetings.
Webinar | Virtual - December 14, 2023 | 12:00 p.m EDT
Keeping Up with Knowledge Translation: Supporting Maritime Learning Health Systems
This three-part MSSU's session will introduce the concept of LHS; walkthrough a new Maritime-made model for LHS and discuss available supports; and share reflections on the role of community in LHS.
Conference | Hybrid - December 3-5, 2023 | Vancouver and online
Flip the script: Children Healthcare Canada Annual Conference
The Children Healthcare Canada Annual Conference, co-hosted with the BC Children’s Hospital, will focus on right-sizing children's health systems for the future, with a theme of Flip the Script: High Performing Health Systems for Kids! Fees apply.
Webinar | Virtual - November 29, 2023 | 12:00 p.m EST
Discutons partenariat
Cet atelier offre un espace de discussion permettant aux participant(e)s (patient(e)s partenaires, chercheur(se)s ou autres) de revenir sur leur(s) expérience(s) de partenariat patient dans le cadre de projets de recherche, afin de partager leurs réflexions, questionnements ou défis.
Conference | Hybrid - November 28, 2023 | Vancouver
Clinical Trials BC Symposium: Approaches for Accessible Clinical Trials
This event focuses on new approaches, technology, pathways and regulatory initiatives that make clinical trials more accessible for participants, trialists, clinical trial professionals and administrators, communities and other relevant parties.
Webinar | Virtual - November 23, 2023 | 09:30 a.m EST
Patient-Oriented Research Training Practicum
During this 2.5-hour MSSU training, you will: - Learn about the MSSU and how we support Patient-Oriented Research (POR) - Gain an understanding of patient engagement and the value of POR - Create a patient engagement plan using the Learning Together Evaluation Framework and IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum
Webinar | Virtual - November 23, 2023 | 1:00 p.m EDT
Big IDEAs About Health Data: Admin Data & Working w/ Disability Communities
This HDRN's webinar will examine how to include measures of disability in administrative health data research. It will also discuss accessibility considerations, from study planning to knowledge dissemination, including how to make our research teams more inclusive of people with disabilities.
Webinar | Virtual - November 23, 2023 | 12:00 p.m EST
Barriers to Patient Partnership and Equity
Learning Objectives: - Learn about four common barriers to patient partnership and equity in health research; - Learn about some approaches to address common barriers to patient partnership and equity in research
Conference | Hybrid - November 16, 2023 | Toronto
The 18th Annual BRI Symposium: Advancing horizons: personalized, equitable care and global partnerships through the power of childhood disability research
Canada’s largest hospital-based research conference on pediatric disability and developmental differences will showcase how BRI’s scientists, researchers and trainees are advancing this field through their ground-breaking research, discovering innovation, family engagement and action.
Conference | Virtual - November 16, 2023 | 12:00 p.m EST
SPOR Evidence Alliance’s 2023 Annual General Meeting
This event will include an update on the pivotal advancements within the SPOR Evidence Alliance, and the opportunity to gain insights into the initial findings of the ongoing summative evaluation underway. There will also be a presentation on trauma and resiliency-informed practice (TRIP) in patient engagement for researchers and patient and public partners. This will be followed by a discussion on strengthening funding towards populations experiencing inequities in patient and public partner-driven research. The event will then conclude with a deliberative dialogue to discuss the sustainability of the SPOR Evidence Alliance.
Conference | Hybrid - November 15-16, 2023 | Whitehorse
Yukon SPOR Health Summit 2023
This hybrid event will highlight the important work the YSPOR unit is doing and supporting throughout the Territory and discuss health-research priorities in the Yukon.
Conference | Hybrid - November 10, 2023 | Memorial University of Newfoundland
SHARE Summit
The SHARE Summit is a free event that showcases applied health research in Newfoundland and Labrador that demonstrates how research is improving the lives of patients in the province.
Conference | Virtual - November 6-12, 2023
Putting the pieces together conference
An annual conference for and by people with pain.
Conference | In-person - October 18, 2023 | Toronto
Lived Experience Engagement in Research
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is bringing together researchers, people with lived experience of mental health or substance use challenges, and family members to talk about how to best do lived experience engagement in research. This in-person event aims to share knowledge on engagement, gain attendees’ feedback on it, and work together to set priorities for this area of work moving forward.
Conference | Hybrid - October 5, 2023 | Toronto
PiPER Research Day
The University Health Network’s Pride in Patient Engagement in Research (PiPER) team is launching its inaugural PiPER Research Day 2023. PiPER Research Day offers an opportunity to network and engage with diverse people involved in patient-engaged research across Canada.
Conference | Hybrid - October 3-4, 2023 | Alberta
AbSPORU Annual Conference
Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit is hosting the 2023 NorthWest SPOR Collaborative Forum on Patient-Oriented Research, open to all type of audiences interested in POR. This year’s theme is “Your Stories: Creating Impact Through Patient-Oriented Research“.
Conference | Hybrid - September 28, 2023 | Toronto
OSSU Research Day
Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit is hosting its 2023 Research Day that features discussion panels on Ontario’s emerging learning health system, health data access, child health focused patient-oriented research and patient experiences with partnering on health research.
Conference | Virtual - September 12-14, 2023
PxP (For Patients, By Patients)
The PxP initiative is a hub for patient engagement in health research brought to you For Patients, By Patients. PxP is designed for patient partners and other individuals with lived experience.
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